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Choose and booking Fishing Tour Charter Packages :- Sweet Stanly SUZUKI engine 250 HP X 2 ( 4 stroke) – 13 M Length
- Sweet Stanly YAMAHA engine 200 HP X 2 ( 2 stroke) – 12 M Length
- Sweet Stanly SUZUKI engine 150 HP X 2 ( 4 stroke) – 12 M Length
- Sweet Stanly YAMAHA engine 115 HP X 2 ( 2 stroke) – 10 M Length
An exciting tour exploring the Indian Ocean with our speed boat to fish the tropical fish. Indonesia is maritime island and Bali is the no only one the best fishing venue’s to catch big fish from the sea. You will have the chance like any professional fisherman to catch fish as big as you can find from our Bali Ocean.
We will explore the Bali fishing Spot Point in our boat together with your family or colleague’s and you get an amazing experiance in the Bali Ocean. You will be challeged to use your technical fishing skill’s to fish from the basic corel or trawlingfor fish, but whatever your requirments we are you sure you will have a great experience wether you to day or night fishing we are sure it will be a trip of your life time, but to catch is down to skill and luck as you know!
Adventure Fishing
The Best area for fishing in Bali is now available, to you to fish and you catch will be as big as you can get it, if your luck is in!
Our Target agent for your Marine Adventure will drop you at the best fishing spot, or you can choose a Deep-Sea Fishing Trip or Trawling or Coral Fishing from one of our native Out Riggers, a unique experiance to take back home with you, and we are sure to photograph or video this! and show off to your friends! What to Bring: Hat, Sun Glasses, Change cloth, Camera, Money, Sun Screen.
Fishing techniques include hand gathering, spearfishing, netting, angling and trapping. Recreational, commercial and artisanal fishers use different techniques, and also, sometimes, the same techniques. Recreational fishers fish for pleasure or sport, while commercial fishers fish for profit. Artisanal fishers use traditional, low-tech methods, for survival in third-world countries, and as a cultural heritage in other countries. Mostly, recreational fishers use angling methods and commercial fishers use netting methods.
– TROLLING METHOD Trolling is a method of fishing where one or more fishing lines, baited with lures or bait fish, are drawn through the water. This may be behind a moving boat, or by slowly winding the line in when fishing from a static position, or even sweeping the line from side-to-side, e.g. when fishing from a jetty. Trolling is used to catch pelagic fish such as salmon, mackerel and kingfish.
Trolling can be phonetically confused with trawling, a different method of fishing where a net (trawl) is drawn through the water instead of lines. Trolling is used both for recreational and commercial fishing whereas trawling is used mainly for commercial fishing.
Trolling from a moving boat involves moving quite slowly through the water. This can be accomplished with the use of a special trolling motor. Multiple lines are often used, and outriggers can be used to spread the lines more widely and reduce their chances of tangling. Downriggers can also be used to keep the lures or baits trailing at a desired depth.
– BOTTOM METHOD A common rig for fishing on the bottom is a weight tied to the end of the line, and a hook about an inch up line from the weight. The method can be used both with hand lines and rod fishing.The weight can also be used to cast or throw the line to an appropriate distance. Bottom fishing can be done both from boats and from the land.
Bottom fishing targets groundfish such as sucker fish, bream, catfish, and crappie. Specialized fishing rods called “donkas” are also commonly used for bottom fishing.
In Share Market terminology, Bottom fishing is simply buying the cheapest investments (in terms of valuation ratios) available. Bottom fishing is value investing concentrated on the very cheapest companies. The term can be derogatory as it can imply a lack of attention to the quality of the investments selected
– JIGGING METHODJigging is the practice of fishing with a jig, a type of fishing lure. A jig consists of a lead sinker with a hook molded into it and usually covered by a soft body to attract fish. Jigs are intended to create a jerky, vertical motion, as opposed to spinnerbaits which move through the water horizontally. The jig is very versatile and can be used in both salt and fresh water. Many species are attracted to the lure which has made it popular amongst anglers for years.
For successful jigging, the jigger needs to use a rod which is good for feeling a strike, and needs to stay in contact with the lure and get it to where the fish are. Most fish caught by jigs are on or near the bottom.